...your idea of a "time out" is relaxing in a college football rocker on the porch just your size.
...you can do a flawless deer call with only your tongue--a talent discovered accidentally through experimental razzing sounds.

...you know exactly which game fish says "meow."
...your idea of "Duck, Duck, Goose" involves handcrafted wooden decoys.
...you prefer a camping tent to your own playpen.
...you ask for REALLY expensive bath toys,
...and really SCARY pets!

...your new favorite color is camo green.
Okay, well, maybe I'm pre-judging my little Biscuit, but we all had a great time at the nearby sportsman's warehouse this weekend during the Hunter's Classic (free of course)! We especially recommend this exciting adventure to all the urban mommies and daddies out there!! :D
How funny! Biscuit's cousins went to that same place down here in our neck of the woods tonight! Great minds think alike, huh? :) His oldest cousin was "petting" the bear there and they both enjoyed the turtles and fish as well as the big waterfall. Tell Biscuit he already had his birthday so he will have to wait until at least Christmas for his big bath toy. :)
I'm nowhere near having kids of my own, but I work with kids everyday and they light up my life. I was sick for two months and it could have been a real downer for me, but knowing I could even go see those kids for a couple hours a day helped me get through it. Your blog has so many good ideas and I can't wait to implement them some day. I'm not even sure how I stumbled across it, but I did and I'm glad.
Well he had a full tummy and was ready to recline! This little biscuit is going to be a real outdoorsman:)
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