Today is a very special day for Biscuit's Grammy. On this very day seven years ago she had surgery for cancer and (praise God!) the doctors got it all and she's been cancer-free ever since!! We like to remember this day every year with what we call "Yay Day!" in celebration of God's goodness to our family through the whole situation...so here is a little "shout out" Biscuit helped me work on just for you, Grammy (he was the sticker "sticker"). We LOVE YOU :D
Hard at work (almost done)....
Let's have a parade!! Hip, hip, hooray!! :D
Grammy is VERY thankful she is here to be able to share in little biscuits life as well as all the other grandchidren and their parents :) Thank you for the poster! I will treasure it always!
He looks so sweet putting on the stickers. Fun.
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