Let's Dish! (Servin' up some indoor fun) | Toddler @ Play! // New Games. Activities. Outings. Fun.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Let's Dish! (Servin' up some indoor fun)

Biscuit had a rough night last night since he's still feeling yucky from his cold (or whatever it is), so we were both pretty tired this morning; we decided to entertain ourselves at home. We broke out some plastic containers with easy-snap tops and practiced putting lids on. He had fun trying to match the right lid with the right container (and just as much fun putting the wrong lid on, just to see the result!) :D He also liked seeing what would go inside the containers, and dumping them out.


6pnuts said...

Little Biscuit looks like he doesn't feel good :(
If you are up for the noise- pots and lids make good toys too and with a good rubber spoon- drums:)

Feel better soon Little Biscuit,
Love Grammy