toddler x-treme games | Toddler @ Play! // New Games. Activities. Outings. Fun.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

toddler x-treme games

Biscuit's morning adventure today was pretending to be at a toddler-style extreme sports competition. So hey...check out his way-cool tricks!

Arriving at the event...

Scoping out the competition...

BMX-ing (he's working on his wheelie stunts!)Skateboarding...(he knows his stuff! Just call him "Teeny Hawk!")
Moto X...(check out that over-the-handlebars big air action!)Aggressive in-line skating (practicing his moves, balance and coordination!)Great job! Now offf to visit with his fans!


6pnuts said...

That has got to be the cutest "Hawk" I have ever seen!
Way to go "Teeny"! I miss you!

Anonymous said...

the over-the-handlebars move usually takes years to master! what an advanced biscuit!