The other night Big Biscuit and I were letting Little Biscuit burn off some energy just walking around at an arcade. Suddenly we heard someone squeal with excitement - a young woman (total stranger to us) with her boyfriend had just won a giant Clifford the Big Red Dog from one of those toy-crane machine games. The next thing we knew, she ran up to Little Biscuit smiling and shouting, "Hi there! Look what I just won for you!" She outright gave her cool prize to him just for fun! And boy did she ever make his day! This particular Clifford was even wearing a firefighter's hat!
Here are some around-the-house adventures Biscuit and his new buddy have had lately and the not-so-random acts they've inspired us to try to do together to serve God and keep sharing His love:
Donate baby toys and DVDs to someone in need, like a single mom or the Pregnancy Resource Center...
Visit someone who's sad or sick...

Love on a lonely dog (our local pet store might have just the pup...)

Biscuit says, "Thank you SO much!" to the generous, thoughtful person who gave him this sweet gift!! :) Oh, and don't worry, Emily Elizabeth...Clifford really likes his new home ... and you can come visit anytime!
WOW that is awesome!Looks almost as tall as little biscuit! Showing my age and lack of knowledge here I fear but who is Emily Elizabeth?
Emily Elizabeth is the little girl who owns Clifford in the story/on the cartoon :)
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