Biscuit, to put it mildly, loves trains...as I mentioned in the previous post, he is bonkers about train tables, as you can see from these pics...

So this weekend we went to a museum full of not only train tables, but REAL trains, and one you could ride as well. Old cars, boats and airplanes were on display too. We found coupons of course so it wasn't expensive at all, so although I don't usually post our adventures unless they're free or nearly free, I thought one one was too good not to share, if you don't know this museum exists...

(you can climb inside and ring this bell on the train!)

(or walk through a giant tanker, or sit on the side!)

(or ride on a scale-model train over a real retired turntable and wave as you leave the station!)
All Biscuit can think is...wow!! ;) Naturally he cried his eyes out when we had to get off!! We'll definitely have to go back sometime!
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