A while back I "turned on the dark" for Little Biscuit to experiment with a flashlight for the first time (he's always liked flashlights, but he's never actually played with one with the lights out). Here are a few games we tried...
Shadow puppets...
Strobe light effects... Who's light is it, anyway?Say, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!" (He's showing me his teeth!)
My hubby and I are parents to two amazing little boys. My 3-year-old's blog is "Toddler @ Play!" and my baby's blog is "This I Know." You can read about them here:
"Little Biscuit's" Blog (www.toddleratplay.com)
"Toddler @ Play" is a blog about the new games, activities and playtime ideas we've used with our son (who is more of a preschooler now than a toddler so we may have to change gears). I'm a Christian freelance children's author and magazine editor turned-stay-at-home mom who "mommy blogs"! :) These are the daily adventures and inspirations that brighten my world and, I hope, maybe yours too!
Mason's Blog
Stories, updates, mental notes and spiritual reminders to help our family stay grounded in faith and focus on the facts as we navigate the mysteries and uncertainties of our baby boy's health (Mason was born with multiple congenital anomalies including Dandy-Walker Variant; the cause &/or underlying diagnosis has not been found.
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