Today we decided to hang out at home and do some playtime inside. I filled a tray on Biscuit's toddler table with about a half inch of water (it could also be done in a white mixing bowl or any container where the bottom is white so the colors show up well against it). After putting down a towel under the table and dressing Biscuit up in his Home Depot workshop apron, I showed him how to dip some non-toxic watercolor markers in the water to see the inky effect. He swirled and swished and smeared it all around and thought it was big fun. After a while we were left with a muddy-colored mess in the tray but starting over with new water every few minutes keeps things interesting :) It's fun to try to draw actual objects he's familiar with - dogs, trees, trains - and see how they end up. It's kind of like cloud scenes - there one minute, gone the next! :)
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