Biscuit has really gotten into animal sounds the past month or so...his favorites are horse, dog, sheep, cow and duck. So in honor of his newest infatuation, our plan is to focus on a different animal each day this week for playtime. Today we set up our dining room as an equestrian arena and enjoyed some equine-inspired toddler activities and games together. So hold your we go!
Western EventsSaddle Bronc Riding ("Yee-haa, giddy-up, Cowboy Biscuit!")

Bear-rel Racing ("Run, run, run, weave around the bears!")

Steer Roping (Hip-hip-hooray, he caught the hippo, yay!)

("Go, Biscuit, push that toy pinto, or is it a mustang, around the poles!")

English Riding Events
Dressage ('Nuff said!)

Show Jumping (AKA, jumping over pillows to get to his favorite DVDs!)

Little biscuit needs some suspenders to complete the look and hold up his drawers :)
What a sweetie!
wow....i'm just loving your 20 month old needs some more interaction from mommy i'm embarrassed to say...and mommy needs more creative ideas..thanks for posting yours!!
Lovely pictures of Biscuit!
Keep posting,
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