Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Little Biscuit Helps Bake Christmas Cookies
Biscuit had his ENT appointment today and the doctor scheduled ear tubes for his 18-month birthday, the 16th (next Tuesday). Hopefully this will solve his problem with recurrent infections. But to take our minds off of it (mine really), we had some fun after nap time with making up a batch of sugar cookies to share for Christmas. I wanted it as hands-on as possible for Biscuit (who can't have corn and it's in almost all those fancy icings and frostings) so we kept it as simple as possible with the egg-yolk glaze that goes on before baking. He had a blast using the rolling pin, cookie cutters, paintbrush, mixing bowls and of course, taste-testing all his hard work :D So did I but wow did my tummy hurt afterward. Oh my.
Time to cut out the snowflakes, Christmas trees and gingerbread men from the dough!
Little Biscuit even used sound effects pressing out the shapes, grunting loudly every time he pushed one out! :D Too cute!
This was our glaze...
Practicing in the bowl first...
Then on the real thing (with some help from mom--although frankly I think his turned out prettier than mine!!)
A little diversion while they're in the oven...
And now for a scrumptious sample...mmm!! Biscuit's very first cookie, and boy did he like it!
Ta-da! Christmas cookies with a toddler's touch :)
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WOW! How awesome- they look great! I wish I could taste them :) Hopefully Little Biscuit will get some wonderful ear relief for his 18 month birthday! Can't wait to see him!
I love your blog too. You do a great job! And your little man is so cute! Hopefully you can get your sewing machine fixed soon and you can be back in business. I'm getting ready to try to make some capes for a friend's son and his friends. We'll see how it goes!:-) Have a wonderful day!
Now THATS what I'm talking about! It's officially the Christmas season at your house now! Looks like fun, and thats the coolest thing ever! You're such a creative mommy, I love you.
That is awesome!! and I will keep your guy in my thoughs!!!
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