Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The Doo-Dad Bowl for Developmental Delight
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Silly Games with Packing Paper
Today a package came with some of that ten-mile-long brown packing paper and boy did Little Biscuit ever have a good time with it! His favorite activity was standing under it when I threw the whole mess of it as high as I could into the air and let it fall down all over us. You can't really see the action of the paper falling in these photos, but that's what's going on. He was laughing his heart out and squealing with joy, falling into it and "splashing" in it and whatever he could do to make it a fun new toy. He sure needed something happy today too as he is not recovering as smoothly as we'd hoped from his myringtomies/ear tubes (his temp is still raised and he's having a lot of pain and drainage, so the doc is seeing him again tomorrow). I think he's going to enjoy Christmas so much, even if all he gets to do is play with the wrapping paper off the boxes :D
"Wheeeeeeeeee! Incoming!"
It's smiles like this that especially remind me I wouldn't trade being a mommy for anything!
"Oh boy, it's a TUNNEL!"
He can't jump yet but this "paper jump rope" sure makes him want to try!
"Who says I can't swim with ear tubes? Watch me SPLASH!"
Monday, December 15, 2008
A Nice Day for a Warm Winter Penny Kick
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Mystery Septra rash
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Little Biscuit Helps Bake Christmas Cookies
Biscuit had his ENT appointment today and the doctor scheduled ear tubes for his 18-month birthday, the 16th (next Tuesday). Hopefully this will solve his problem with recurrent infections. But to take our minds off of it (mine really), we had some fun after nap time with making up a batch of sugar cookies to share for Christmas. I wanted it as hands-on as possible for Biscuit (who can't have corn and it's in almost all those fancy icings and frostings) so we kept it as simple as possible with the egg-yolk glaze that goes on before baking. He had a blast using the rolling pin, cookie cutters, paintbrush, mixing bowls and of course, taste-testing all his hard work :D So did I but wow did my tummy hurt afterward. Oh my.
Time to cut out the snowflakes, Christmas trees and gingerbread men from the dough!
Little Biscuit even used sound effects pressing out the shapes, grunting loudly every time he pushed one out! :D Too cute!
This was our glaze...
Practicing in the bowl first...
Then on the real thing (with some help from mom--although frankly I think his turned out prettier than mine!!)
A little diversion while they're in the oven...
And now for a scrumptious sample...mmm!! Biscuit's very first cookie, and boy did he like it!
Ta-da! Christmas cookies with a toddler's touch :)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Surprises in Storage
Some of the most fun toys we've come across for Little Biscuit are ones we already have - most discovered accidentally while searching through old boxes in the basement :) We found a cool brand new mr. potato head that way from a prank gift my hubby got once, and a great electric train set (it will be more fun later on when Biscuit is older). Tonight Big Biscuit brought up his collection of die-cast cars from his childhood! You should have seen Little Biscuit's face light up and the speed with which he ran across the room to check them out when Big Biscuit opened the case... :D
Whoa! Look at all those cars!!
Let the dumping begin!
And the driving!!
A new treatment for double ear away the pain?!
Do we have to put them away?
Uh-oh, I found a stow-away--he was hiding one away for later! (This was my personal favorite "surprise in storage!!")
(I don't know if he did it on purpose or just sat down on one, but it was hilarious to spot it there!)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Pillow Party
Little Biscuit and I have been down for the count the last few weeks - he's had a double ear infection since the beginning of October that just won't quit (he's on his 4th antibiotic for it and seeing an ENT on Wednesday) and I have either a virus or some kind of relentless allergy. Neither one of us have done a whole ton of playing since our trip to NC for Thanksgiving although we did manage to set up the Christmas tree and decor which he really enjoyed .... yesterday he seemed to be feeling ever so slightly better but not so much today. We did manage to squeeze in a silly pillow party this morning. He loves it when I throw lots of little pillows into his playpen so he can roll in utter delight all over them, doing flips (which he learned from his cousin), collapsing onto them and begging me play "peek-a-bop" (peek-a-boo with a pillow fight twist!). Here are some more pics of the morning fluffy festivities :D
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