My First Pet - A Fish for a Train Lover | Toddler @ Play! // New Games. Activities. Outings. Fun.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My First Pet - A Fish for a Train Lover

Well Little Biscuit got his Valentine's gift from Mommy a bit early today - a brand new aqua colored beta fish, complete with a tot-style train theme tank!Meet Donegan (named from railroad lingo for a train that has been turned into a house - since a toy train has become this guy's watery residence!)Little Biscuit had a great time feeding him, and standing in a chair to watch Donegan take a "ride" in the red caboose.Not to mention it makes a fun accessory for his choo-choo toddler room! And very easy to care for - he only needs to eat every few days, and ever-so-often water changes ;)


Christy said...

Mom and I are sitting here looking at Donagan and we think he is great! The tank is just perfect for Little Biscuit!

active toddler said...

What a cute little boy :) He must love his pet so much.