One of Little Biscuit's favorite aspects of train tables are the cool tunnels he gets to push things through. So when we had a giant cardboard box leftover from his
early Christmas present, I knew I had to put it to work :) Here's a peak into some of the action it's been seeing lately, and what Biscuit has been using his new tunnel for:

1. For farm trucks...

2. For tiny race cars...

3. For small trains...

4. For big trains...

5. Um. For...tot-sized train lovers!?

Oh well...I guess he likes it :)
Sometimes I think we should just forget the stuff that comes in them, and give each other big cardboard boxes for gifts! The pictures of your little guy do bring back great memories... ah, the year my folks got a new fridge! A big cardboard playhouse that fit three kids and a dog! :-)
Excellent idea little Biscuits' Mom! Have you played in there yet? ;)
What a great idea!
We might have to copy you, there is the box from his big car still out in the shed put aside for someting like that. And we have the exact same train. LOL
You have a real fun blog.
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