Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Sometimes life's simplest and least expensive pleasures are the most fun and memorable :) I say that because Little Biscuit gets such a thrill just from going to the local mall and checking out the sights and sounds. His favorite things to do there (besides the pet shop of course) are watching the carousel and getting on all the kiddie coin rides...he doesn't even really want us to put money in them - he just likes to sit and "drive"! (Good thing too - I can't see myself paying $1 for a 30 second ride!!) Anyway, it was a fun way to spend an evening out last weekend - and free too :D

"Hey look Aunt Hannah, an elephant!" (She collects them...)

"That carousel is so cool - can I have one for Christmas?!"

Gentlemen, start your engines!

Look, Mommy! I've got a backseat driver!

"Somebody needs to clean these windows." :)

"Race ya!"

"I think I can, I think I can...get this train to go!"

"How come the wheels on this bus don't go round and round?"

"The engine on the bus goes clankety-clank; everybody gets off the bus!"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fitness Adventures

Little Biscuit believes it's never too early to get started on the road to good health (this is his new philosophy now that he is fighting off his third week of antibiotic-resistant double ear infection). Here he'd like to demonstrate his latest regimen for will be discussed at a later time when he feels like eating again :D (he definitely does not recommend skipping meals in general!)

1. He warms up with some stretching followed by chest and back exercises.

2. Then he does a stint on the treadmill to get the heart rate up.
3. He keeps up his cardio workout with a little boxing.
5. After that he heads to the weight room. (He always has to add a few more to the rack).
6.) Uuuummphh! (Boy am I strong!)7.) He does an easy cool-down on the bike...but he can't quite reach the pedals on this one. Not to worry, he has a backup handy...

8. This one is JUST RIGHT :D

Monday, November 10, 2008

The All-Purpose Box Tunnel

One of Little Biscuit's favorite aspects of train tables are the cool tunnels he gets to push things through. So when we had a giant cardboard box leftover from his early Christmas present, I knew I had to put it to work :) Here's a peak into some of the action it's been seeing lately, and what Biscuit has been using his new tunnel for:
1. For farm trucks...
2. For tiny race cars...3. For small trains...
4. For big trains...5. Um. For...tot-sized train lovers!?Oh well...I guess he likes it :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pat the Biscuit :)

Here are Biscuit, Mommy and the puppy.
Mommy and the puppy can do lots of things.
Biscuit can do lots of things too.

Mommy can pat the puppy's head.
Now Biscuit can pat his own head.

Mommy can roll a ball to the puppy.
Now Biscuit can roll a ball to the puppy too
The puppy can make a face for the camera.
Now Biscuit can make a face for the camera too.
Mommy can say, "Bye-bye puppies!"
Now Biscuit can say bye-bye to the puppies too!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

'Twas the Month Before Christmas

'Twas the month before Christmas and all through the house
not a person was healthy (except for one spouse).
Outside was too windy to play in cold air,
And we were really too tired to go anywhere.

Those old winter blues were settling in
At the thought of being homebound again
for a whole season of snow and unfriendly ice;
We knew indoor diversion would be oh, so nice.

And so way before Christmas, before it was time,
We gave out a present (a holiday crime).
We didn't wrap it or stick on a bow
But Little Biscuit still knew the way toddlers know

That something exciting was on its way--
something was special about this blah day.
So what to his wondering eyes did appear,
A wooden parking garage with all its great gear!...
A car wash, toll booth, and a gas pump, woo-hoo!
Four levels of fun - an elevator too...
A pad for the chopper that came with the set,And bright wooden cars that are as cute as cars get.Roadways and ramps and street toys galore,
Hours of playtime, and maybe some more!Vrooming and beeping and such joyous tot chatter,
I sprang from my stupor to see what was the matter!
Boredom and brain fog had fled! Not in sight!
Merry Christmas (it's early!) and to all a good night :D