Alphabet Soup Activity | Toddler @ Play! // New Games. Activities. Outings. Fun.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Alphabet Soup Activity

It's warming up outside, woo-hoo! But still a little too wet to go to the park or play much outside. In the meantime we passed some more indoor time today making some "alphabet soup" out of magnet letters just for fun.

First we found a nice soup pot and some water...

(Chef Smiley had to approve of course!)

Then he went "shopping" for his ingredients.

After he had his ABCs, he added them to the pot...

Then he stirred it up and let it simmer...
Time to add some seasoning...salt and pepper for sure.

Time to test the temperature to make sure it's just right...
When it's just right, he's ready to serve up a big bowl of alphabet soup!

MMMMM!! Yummy ABC soup!