So today right after breakfast Little Biscuit and I heard a commotion of dogs barking unlike anything we've ever experienced in the neighborhood. I went out to see what all the fuss was about and there it was...a young, stray cat was all arched up with its hair on end as the dogs ferociously tried to get at it from behind a fence (I say 'it' because we don't know if it was a he or she but I'd like to say it was a she so I'll call it "her" from now on). Anyway she was clearly frozen with fear, so I called calmly to her and finally got her to move away from the dogs. She was very sweet and affectionate when she came to me, but had obviously experienced a difficult morning...her legs were soaking wet and the fur behind her head was all matted. Anyway, once I realized she wasn't wild or crazy but just maybe lost, I figured it'd be okay to show the Biscuit, who is absolutely head over heels for kitties. So I brought her to the door where he was waiting for me inside, and showed him, and you should have seen that face! I didn't get it on camera, but here are some other pics to let you know how happy he was about the whole thing :D
"Oh wow, a cat! Can I pet you...?"

"...and kiss you?"

"And talk to you?"

"And hold you?"

"And feed you milk and baby food beef and gravy?

"And play games with you?"

"And take you for walks...in my toy stroller?"

"I mean, LOTS of walks?"

"And let you come in my house and live with me forever?"

"Oh, sorry...mommy says no cats allowed in the house. Daddy's allergic. But you can stop by and visit me anytime. Bye-bye for now, kitty!"
Ok: number 1...
And number two...
WHAT, may i ask, did you DO with the poor helpless kitty if you aren't going to save it???
lol...actually, he got bored of riding and the stroller and got out a few houses down. he tried to go up their chimney. i'm sure if he's truly interested, he'll be back. we think he's looking for his own house. or somewhere he's allowed inside ;)
That's awesome that the cat rode in the stroller- obviously NOT a stray!:-)
update...the house where the cat got out of the stroller WAS indeed his house. but the owners never saw him at that time; the rest of the story is, the cat (who is actually a he) kept wandering the neighborhood; our neighbor took him to the vet where they found a microchip but the owners had moved and not updated the address. long story short, the vet at the old location provided the new address and the neighbor was able to get him home. just in time too...apparently it has epilepsy and needed his meds asap when he got home. the owner/mom had been up til 3 am searching for him...he belongs to her autistic child, recommended for its sweet disposition. oh and his name is Itchy :D I love happy endings, don't you :D and now little biscuit could see him anytime lol!
I love it! The stroller ride is the best part! :) I can't see Little Biscuit's Daddy with a cat though - even if he wasn't allergic. :)
The kitty had a very happy ending. I am the next door neighbor and found his mommy and daddy 2 days later. We took him in at our house. He is a bangle cat (very expensive) and they had just moved in a couple of weeks before and he got out the doggie door. His name is Itchie because of his allergies. He is with his family now and my son found him a good vet and he is allergy free. Yeah!!
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