Nothing too original, but Little Biscuit and I had fun with some with some new-for-us activities last week. First I let him paint on a giant poster taped to his Lego table.

(here is the arteest at work)

Then we made a sticker montage around his artwork, letting him place them wherever he chose.

Finally we played in a pile of clothespins! It was especially silly to clip them all over him and let him try to figure out how to get them off!

Good times!
Looks like alot of fun! I love that smile :)
It's about time you put up a new post! He looks like he's having a blast :)
Hey! You have always been so creative! I know your little boy loves having you for a mommy!! It's great to steal your ideas.So, thanks!
You have always been so creative! I love stealing your ideas. So, thanks! I know your little boy loves having you as a mommy!
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